Sustainable development
As a leading supplier of construction machinery, we take an active role in creating a more sustainable construction industry. Read more what we do and what we want to achieve within sustainable development at Swecon.
Our ambition
Swecon sustainability roadmap
The ambition is to continue to strengthen our position as leading supplier of construction solutions, with a clearly integrated sustainability perspective throughout the value chain. We drive a focused change process with short-term milestones to reach our long-term commitments in the areas of our customers, colleagues, and climate. The sustainability roadmap is our way to integrate sustainability in all parts of our organization.
Making a sustainable change
Swecon want to lead sustainability transition among dealers of heavy equipment
Our keys to reach a long-term sustainable construction industry are partnerships throughout the value chain, taking responsibility for ones’ business and meeting the needs for you as a customer.
We strive for a loop where production, consumption and reuse are interconnected and transparent.
How we develop and transform our business
Read about our sustainability initiatives from our local markets.
Agenda 2030
The Global Goals for sustainable development
The UN’s SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) call on governments, companies, and civil society to take action to address social and economic challenges.
Companies can use the SDGs as an overarching framework to shape, steer, communicate, and report their strategies, goals, and activities, allowing them to capitalize on a range of benefits.
Focus areas
Swecon has identified four focus areas where our actions have the highest impact.
No 5; Gender equality
No 8; Decent work and economic growth
No 9; Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
No 12; Responsible consumption and production
These are continuously KPI monitored on group and local level.
Sustainability report
Swecon belong to the Lantmännen family. Lantmännen strives to provide relevant and transparent reporting of the work on responsibility and sustainable development. Here you find the latest Lantmännen Annual Report with Sustainability Report (lantmannen.com)
UN Global Compact
In 2009, Lantmännen signed the Global Compact, the UN initiative for responsible business, which involves a commitment to implement the Global Compact’s ten principles in the business. Annually, signatories report to the UN Global Compact on progress in relation to the commitment and ten principles.
Read about Lantmännens commitment to the principles of UN Global Compact.
Certifications and documents
- Swecon Anläggningsmaskiner AB is certified in accordance with ISO9001 and ISO14001.
- Swecon Baumaschinen GMBH is certified in accordance with ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO45001.
- Link to Environmental declarations and Lifecycle assessment/Carbon footprint from Volvo Construction Equipment